Karen Martin

Since becoming CEO in 2020, Karen Martin has ushered BBH into a new era. BBH celebrates its 40th birthday this year and, thanks to Karen’s progressive leadership, the legendary agency not only continues to set the bar in creative effectiveness, its maverick spirit has never been stronger. As Karen says: “We’re so proud of our past...but we’re always very confident looking ahead.”

Karen has brought energy, dynamism and strategic vision to BBH since taking on the top job. She fuelled it to growth and outstanding creativity through the pandemic and boosted its global outlook after stepping up to BBH’s new global leadership board last year. Her leadership has enabled BBH to demonstrate to the world what can be achieved through true agency-client partnerships and the power of difference.

In 2022, Karen led BBH to one of its best years yet. The creative work won the gamut of effectiveness awards and delivered by uplifting audiences and clients’ business; BBH scooped a slew of new business, and expanded on the international stage, opening a new office in Ireland.

BBH has an incredible legacy, but Karen has ensured that this global icon just keeps getting better.