Matt Holt

Digitas UK

Digitas Chief Strategy Officer Matt Holt is on a mission to create a truly integrated approach to marketing. Matt believes that breaking down silos in agencies between disciplines such as creativity and data is the key to forging powerful campaigns and building successful brands. In 2021, Matt has succeeded in making real this ambition as he has melded together the best that Digitas has to offer and produced some stunning results.

His focus on connected thinking has impacted the agency at every level, creating a push towards diversity, influencing its talent strategy and bolstering new business.

His expertise encompasses strategic thinking and planning across direct marketing, CRM and other data-driven initiatives, digital platforms and channels, content, and creativity. Bringing all these together has underpinned some excellent campaigns this year, including Samsung's CRM campaign, connecting media, customer and commercial touchpoints with a new value proposition.

With a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion, Matt has led the development of an internal piece of research devised to diagnose the agency's current challenges and opportunities with respect to DE&I.

As a member of the APG committee advocating for cultivating young and diverse strategic talent, Matt has sought to widen the APG base beyond advertising planners to other disciplines such as data, CRM and digital platforms and products.

In 2021, Matt has shown the impact of his infectious enthusiasm for broad strategic thinking. It will be fascinating to see how this progresses during the year ahead.