
We are so proud about and feel so privileged to have created neverland, that it’s hard to want to claim anything other than the smile on people’s faces we see each day. But here we are entering Independent Agency of the Year and the showy offy numbers and claims are important. So, apologies, here goes...

What a year!

A blockbuster year of £23m worth of billings, £10m worth of production budgets resulting in 12 campaigns, including 14 films (many produced through lockdown) and a pitchtastic winning run of 5 clients, seeing off Uncommon, BBH, VCCP and Wonderhood to name a few. Receiving the ultimate praise from the AAR about our Tetley pitch being ‘a masterclass in pitching’. Our star cast expanded from 10 to 35, with a 20% BAME representation and we took on a new floor in our building. Profitability grew 110% and the Neverland brand got a lot of people talking and seeing the quality of our work. We even managed to extend our merchandising into branded tote bags.

We'd like to say we’re sitting back and reflecting on the year, but it’s just too exciting. To be part of this wonderful new movement of indys and start-ups is just too irresistible to stop for a second. So this is us, full to the brim with lovely clients, brilliant people, pride and ambition to put as many smiles on the people who work with us and the people who see our work.