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Category Name Category Id Category Item Id Description
BRANDING AGENCY 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 4r76te7vwn213x3vectgc087d8 <p>This award recognises the best agencies specialising in creating, launching and repositioning brands. The judges will consider how the agency has planned, executed and evaluated branding projects for its clients.</p>
BRAND EXPERIENCE AGENCY 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 453dwntq671khrrycswrwtammg <p>This award recognises the best agency specialising in providing experiential marketing solutions.</p>
CREATIVE AGENCY 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 4fn1tvgg433vm6tac2n8wrdann <p>This category recognises the most creative advertising agencies. Judges will be looking to award an agency that consistently creates work to the highest level and the scoring will be weighted towards the work more than in other categories.&nbsp;<br></p>
CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT AGENCY 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 4n8d7epcx0p56v8vqpwpqkz6xt <p>This award recognises agencies specialising in providing targeted, response-driven creativity.&nbsp;</p>
DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION AGENCY 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 4ht7r272wyjht51jjac2gjjywr <p>This award recognises agencies specialising in providing the best digital solutions.</p>
INDEPENDENT PR AGENCY 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 4d5qfcff6t5vz7bvkynq6y6kmj
INDEPENDENT MEDIA AGENCY 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 4fz14pkrq3jba0gjbd9qc24557
INDEPENDENT CREATIVE AGENCY 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 41aqbf5pgpr6rrtt62sdsfjrn4
IN-HOUSE AGENCY 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 4gwta6h8h3vke1vsbnb4eg4gm9 <p>This category is open to in-house agencies that are part of brands’ businesses.<br></p>
INTEGRATED MARKETING AGENCY 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 482ncantw9fan42k9mbndn84m1 <p>This award recognises the best agencies specialising in providing the best integrated marketing and branding solutions.&nbsp;<br></p>
MEDIA AGENCY 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 4q1m4njavk3x3vpga0tz450yws <p>This award recognises the very best agencies specialising in media including but not limited to planning and buying.<br></p>
PERFORMANCE MARKETING AGENCY 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 4px8gh18v8ws71y6tzeycxsmx4 <p>This award acknowledges companies that best demonstrate a consistent ability to translate consumer intentions into revenue for clients, deliver ROI-based campaign activity and drive sales results for clients.</p>
PR AGENCY 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 4pq6721mvna2svhjh36mpxr5mw <p>This category recognises the achievements, performance and excellent work of PR consultancies in the UK.&nbsp;<br></p>
START-UP AGENCY 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 49rwbjeemkxmgwh8hjypgz9vxe <p>Open to agencies that are within their first two years of operation.<br></p>
SOCIAL MEDIA AGENCY 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 4jxvf2favkabv2t5evwc2hdax3 <p>This award recognises the best agencies specialising in delivering social media solutions for brands. The judges will be looking for innovative use of social platforms and effective engagement strategies in the social space.<br></p>
AGENCY 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 4gwz77591nn6b4pd66sr5pdw5v
ACCOUNT PERSON OF THE YEAR 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 4a1shd1g765dx2cn6hz332g8mt <p>This award recognises professionals responsible for account management who have displayed the most innovation, skills and enthusiasm in bringing the benefits of advertising to their clients’ businesses resulting in the development of solid business relationships. Judges will consider contribution to the agency and clients, client relationship management, client retention as well as new business wins, positive organic growth for clients.&nbsp;</p>
AGENCY PRODUCER OF THE YEAR 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 4t8p5b80tw55vw78p4ws0z9zdv <p>This award recognises agency producers who have displayed the most innovation, skills and enthusiasm when executing agencies’ campaign ideas. Judges will consider the agency producer/ producers’ contribution to the agency and their clients, how they made difficult executions happen, contributed to the most creative campaigns and facilitated long-lasting relationships with clients in the process.</p><p>This can be an individual or a team.</p>
CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS/MARKETING TEAM 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 4na725yx4m2d15tdqrmzy0myw9 <p>Open to the communications or marketing team within the agency, this award recognises success in addressing issues related to corporate communications, reputation, brand-building, corporate campaign execution and media relations.&nbsp;</p>
CREATIVE LEADER 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 4bkekypc76x801r1evf7t5re5s <p>The award recognises creative directors working (largely) from the UK who have overseen the best work during the review period. The winner will have not only set the standard for creative excellence but have also raised the bar for innovation and disruptive big ideas.<br></p>
CREATIVE TEAM 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 4sj9xdpzxpwnj1j9ajhx0rz44j <p>This award recognises the UK team behind the best work during the review period. The winning team will have not only set the standard for creative excellence but have also raised the bar for innovation and disruptive big ideas. Ideally, the team will have created campaigns for more than one brand.</p>
HEAD OF AGENCY - CREATIVE/ADVERTISING 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 4q9m7bssbh366sc5nv26xzkd4w
HEAD OF AGENCY - CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 46wf7739btn8avw80gkm3ayems
HEAD OF AGENCY - DIGITAL 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 4snez5ccx3qhcrcqkxg7tmgqw3
HEAD OF AGENCY - INTEGRATED MARKETING 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 4hg5kc7z59kvz0d4g5j16mt9nf
HEAD OF AGENCY - MEDIA 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 45k4y0vswe5k3vq9wd5zp2t1x9
HEAD OF AGENCY - PR 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 4hpd1hy14xmmpy33r7jyja0p5p
HEAD OF AGENCY 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 4fgtb1nsvwks06ytj875cdh7nt <p>This award recognises the heads of UK agencies nationally who have individually done the most to advance their agency/network in the industry.&nbsp;</p><p>Judges will consider the individual’s achievements during the eligibility period, including delivery against objectives, size of local operation, client profile and disciplines, new business wins, client retention, personal involvement in staff development initiatives, innovation with results, agency/network development and contribution to the role or image of the marketing communications industry in their market.&nbsp;</p><p>Note, this category is broken down by discipline:</p><p></p><ul><li>Branding</li><li>Creative/advertising&nbsp;</li><li>Customer Engagement&nbsp;</li><li>Digital&nbsp;</li><li>Experience&nbsp;</li><li>Media&nbsp;</li><li>Integrated Marketing&nbsp;</li><li>Performance Marketing&nbsp;</li><li>PR&nbsp;</li></ul><p></p>
MEDIA PLANNING LEADER 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 4e3k6yezdc77m32d34rsyphf56 <p>This award is for the media planning and media strategy leaders who have made the biggest impact on their clients’ marketing and business results through the creative use of media during the review period. This person will be responsible for spearheading the agency’s planning and strategy efforts more broadly, even if they do not formally run a separate department.&nbsp;<br></p><p>Judges will consider the individual’s contribution to agency and client, as well as their strategic skills, deployment of research, examples of approaches to problem solving and ability to intelligently recommend, explore and evaluate new and diverse platform options. Entrants should provide as much evidence of the results of their work as possible.&nbsp;</p>
NEW BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT TEAM/PERSON 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 4n4dq8e6ccmta4dksc69befsd8 <p>This award is for the new business development person/team who has proven to have built and developed a new account or expanded the services of an established client relationship.&nbsp;<br></p><p>Judges will consider solid examples of leadership in new business development initiatives that contributed to the success and financial growth of the agency.&nbsp;</p><p>This can be an individual or a team.</p>
STRATEGIC LEADER 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 4ksahmty33s3wt1jxk1j7zjpxt <p>This award is for the account planning leaders who have made the biggest impact on their clients’ business through development of breakthrough consumer, brand and communications strategies. This person will be responsible for fostering a culture of innovation within their strategy department.&nbsp;</p><p>The leader will demonstrate thinking that is clear, insightful and change-enabling. They will take a fresh approach to problem solving and demonstrate how they develop commercially effective solutions to clients’ challenges.&nbsp;</p><p>Judges will be looking for evidence of the individual and their department’s contribution to their agency, its clients and the wider planning community.</p>
STRATEGIST 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 48w63x1mpxpkv7gt046mbt6r4a <p>This award will celebrate the planner/strategist who has helped to deliver the best results for their clients through insightful, original and evidence-based thinking. Judges will be looking for clear evidence of how the winning planner/strategist’s work contributed to the executed campaign, and how the activity delivered for the brand. The winner of this award might focus on one brand, or work across a number of brands, but will work the majority of their time on client business, rather than departmental management.<br></p>
TALENT MANAGEMENT TEAM OR PERSON 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 4jy20ttfhfkpbs5s274t6v2ndd <p>This award recognises the talent management professional or team who has most effectively aligned the network’s people strategies with business outcomes during the review period.&nbsp;</p><p>Judges will consider the individual’s/team’s ability to develop and implement effective talent management strategies that include talent acquisition and retention, learning and staff development, succession planning and management, agency culture integration as well as reward and recognition initiatives.&nbsp;</p><p>This can be an individual or a team.</p>
PEOPLE & TEAMS 494c6m9xe92px2kbjt83j8nvnw 4cp6snvmhfagg7q1shtzqa5dc4
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